The Original Bike Tour in Tokyo, Japan since 2006 創業2006年 ガイド付き自転車ツアー

Tour Calendar ツアーカレンダー

\ If you have any question about the availability of your preferred route etc.,
please ask us through the chat window shown below (right) or email: /


Note: The calendar may not be displayed in the reCAPTCHA check. 注意:reCAPTCHAチェックではカレンダーが表示されない場合があります。

Please take the following actions: 以下のアクションをお試しください:
  • Clear (delete) your browser's cookies and cache. ブラウザのクッキーとキャッシュをクリア(削除)してください。
  • Switch to a different browser. 別のブラウザに切り替えてください。
    • We receive many inquiries especially from Safari (browser) users (iPhone users), so please try using a browser other than Safari. Safari(ブラウザ)ユーザー(iPhoneユーザー)からの問い合わせが特に多いため、Safari以外のブラウザをお試しください。

Please see "TOUR" page for the details of each tour. ツアーページを見てそれぞれのツアーの詳細をご確認ください。

Nearly Full.まもなく満席 FULL sorry!!満席です。申し訳ありません! "Any Tour" is open for reservations - the first booking can choose the route!"Any Tour"となっている日はどのルートでも催行可能です。最初にリクエストがあった時にそのルートで確定致しますのでお問い合わせください。

\ Sincere request / \ お願い /

Please send us an e-mail or a call if you cancel the tour. ツアーをキャンセルする場合は必ず事前にメールか電話でご連絡ください。

Why Tokyo Great Cycling Tour? なぜ東京グレートサイクリングツアーを選ぶのか?

Friendly Guides

Informative & fun guided tours by FRIENDLY GUIDES 経験豊富でフレンドリーなガイドが案内します

Larger groups are accompanied by two guides, leading and following the group, for safety and convenience. You will see our guides on About Us page.


Family Friendly

FAMILY FRIENDLY with trailers for toddlers and kids bicycles ファミリーフレンドリーです。お子様向けのバイク、チャイルドシートなどもご用意しています

You can enjoy the tour with your parents and kids – three generations. You can check our bikes at FAQ page.

是非ご両親、お子様と一緒に2世代、3世代でツアーをお楽しみください。 ツアーで使う自転車の詳細はコチラでご確認ください。

Convenient Office


Space for leaving big suitcases and equipped with a shower – suitable for a last tour before heading back to the airport! We will enjoy beers / drinks with snacks together after the tour.


Various Routes


Full-day tours (6 hours) and half-day tours (3 hours) visiting both touristy and non-touristy spots!


E-Assist Option


Boost your Tokyo adventure! Our tours come with an e-assist option — easy hills, more sights, pure joy, no extra sweat!


Guests' Reviews & SNS お客様の声 & SNS

I really enjoyed this sunshining day cycling around Tokyo! Unmissables spots, which could be difficult to find by yourself, it's especially interesting for tourists like me who wouldn't pay attention to so much things without a guide. The circuit by bicycle add more fun and keep you active unlike when you are on the bus! It's a day I won't forget, and definitely thanks to my great guide Yukiko!



Fanny ファニー

from France フランス出身

Thank you very much for providing us such a good way to discover another Tokyo. We enjoyed the journey so much, and you are very kind to us. This cycling was a valuable experience and we will not forget all the wonderful moments. Tokyo is a great city which always gives me surprises everytime I visit. I am sure I will come again.



Eric エリック

from Hong Kong 香港出身

Likely the best value for any tour in Tokyo. This tour is very hands on and the tour guides are very informative. I would definitely recommend this tour to any friends traveling to Tokyo in the future.



Louis ルイス

from U.S.A. アメリカ出身

MORE ADVENTURES AWAIT カヤック、ランニングツアーも催行しています!
